Google Docs + Blogger

Esto es una prueba de lo que puede hacer Google Docs y Blogger.

Veamos los estilos:

Titulo 1

Nos permite resaltar y luego aplicar los cambios

Titulo 2

Ahora vamos a comprobar los diferentes estilos de párrafos:

In the first part of this article I showed you how to get the basic settings for our virtual cluster: we started with a fresh install of Xen; then we created five virtual machines (one master and four slaves), and then we configured the network and NFS, so that the users could share their home directories across the cluster. This is the basis for this second part of the article, in which we see how to install a number of packages that will allow us to run parallel programs on it and manage the cluster more efficiently. Concretely you will learn how to install the C3 command suite, the Modules package for easily switching environments, a version of MPICH for running parallel programs, and the Torque/Maui combination for job queue management. These packages (specially Torque/Maui) can be configured extensively according to your needs. For this virtual cluster we will use a minimal configuration, but this should be enough to get you started. If you are interested in just trying out the virtual cluster but don't want to perform all the steps yourself, you can grab a ready-made cluster image from the download:contrib:cluster page at
Incluso tenemos Triple Espacios.

Ahora vamos a resaltar partes de un texto y cambiar su color:
In the first part of this article I showed you how to get the basic settings for our virtual cluster: we started with a fresh install of Xen; then we created five virtual machines (one master and four slaves), and then we configured the network and NFS, so that the users could share their home directories across the cluster. This is the basis for this second part of the article, in which we see how to install a number of packages that will allow us to run parallel programs on it and manage the cluster more efficiently. Concretely you will learn how to install the C3 command suite, the Modules package for easily switching environments, a version of MPICH for running parallel programs, and the Torque/Maui combination for job queue management. These packages (specially Torque/Maui) can be configured extensively according to your needs. For this virtual cluster we will use a minimal configuration, but this should be enough to get you started. If you are interested in just trying out the virtual cluster but don't want to perform all the steps yourself, you can grab a ready-made cluster image from the download:contrib:cluster page at


Tenemos un montón de estilos. Los básicos supongo, no creo que se puedan instalar más.

Ahora vamos a ver el insertar imagenes:

Bien, aunque le había dicho que centrado:

Ahora sí.

Las citas de ésta manera quedan muy bien

Vamos a ver si podemos revisar la ortográfia en español... va a ser que no.

Ahora a imprimir... muy bien... ahora publicar

Podemos publicar a una URL propia de Google a la que cualquiera puede acceder, tambien podemos utilizar esto para modificar nuestro Blog... ¿cuál blog?

Finalmente guardemos nuestro documento en .DOC y en .ODF a ver que tal... vale, lo guarda internamente en alguna parte, veamos si puedo exportarlo:

En PDF las imagenes no salen nada bien, y los comentarios sí que aparecen.
En OpenOffice lo mismo
En MSWord... ehm... páso, pero supongo que será lo mismo.

Esto ha quedado genial, la verdad es que es mucho más sencillo utilizar Google Docs que la interfaz de Blogger para crear las entradas, y además, puedo guardarlas :)

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